Niin ja onpa meillä toinenkin syy fiilistellä. Dog It Life kysyi tänään haluaisimmeko heistä sponsorin eli jatkossa sekä Dumlen että ohjaajan treenivaatteet ja -tarvikkeet tulevat Dog It Life:n mallistosta! Itselleni pinkki treeniliivi ja Dumlelle pirteän turkoosi takki saadaan jo parin viikon päästä, kun sponssipainatukset valmistuvat. KIITOS tästä mahdollisuudesta ja siitä, että näette Dumlessa potentiaalia menestyä.
TODAY we competed in agility. This was our second competition and Dumle was awesome! From first course we got 5 faults because of my mistake, but he was so fast that we were 9 of 60 competitors.
Second course was also soooo cool, but I spoiled everything by rushing things so we got some faults from contacts. There were 66 competitors and our placement was 13. so not so bad and our time was the fastest.
Next w/e we are goint to compete again and I'm sure it's going to be as fun as it was today!
BUT that wasnt all.... Today firm called Dog It Life came to us and asked if we would like them as our sponsors. I'm over the moon, because their training clothes are functional and also look stunning. So for now on we will represent Dog It Life's collection. Thank You so much, we really appreciate this and thank You also for trusting our ability to get some fine results!
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Photo: Markku Pajulahti |
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